Frequently Asked Questions


Bad weather

Tickets and Bookings

Give the gift of flight


Things to know about the Zipline
What is the minimum age to ride?
There is no minimum age, only weight and height limits.
What are the weight and height limits?
Freestyle solo flight – height: min 120 cm – max 210 cm | weight: min 35 kg – max 120 kg
pair flight: total maximum weight
For the Falcon Style pair flight, the maximum difference in weight between the two people is 45 kg
Children under 18 years of age
Children can ride solo as long as they meet the minimum height and weight criteria. There is no minimum age.
Two children can ride as a pair as long as they meet the minimum height and weight criteria. They don’t have to ride as a pair with an adult.
Minors must be accompanied by an adult (not necessarily a parent), who must sign a waiver at the ticket office as an accompanying person. The waiver is simply an acknowledgement of the regulations and confirmation that the person riding the ZIPline is physically fit.
I'm afraid of heights, should I ride the ZIPline?
Below you can find the wording of the form that you will have to sign before your ZIPline experience:
“The ZIPline ride is prohibited for pregnant women, persons with heart conditions or epilepsy, persons suffering from asthma or other respiratory illnesses, or persons with physical or mental disabilities which are not compatible with the safety requirements. The ZIPline is also prohibited for anyone suffering from psychiatric diseases or disorders, any person whose mental or physical condition has been altered by the consumption of alcohol or drugs, or anyone in a situation that may place themselves, other people or the ZIPline system at risk.
The undersigned (if an adult accompanying a minor, also with regard to the latter) expressly declares that they are in full health and do not suffer from any of the diseases described above or from any other pathology and/or illness of any kind that may pose a risk to themselves, others, or the ZIPline system during the descent.”.
Many people who are afraid of heights want to test themselves by riding the ZIPline, and generally they manage to complete the experience. Some people worry that they might get a feeling of “the void” at the start. This doesn’t happen, as the ZIPline accelerates gradually.

Who Can Fly

Bad weather

Tickets and Bookings

Give the gift of flight


Things to know about the Zipline
What address should I put into my satnav to get there?
Aurano – Località Alpe Segletta. You can find us on Google Maps by entering: Lago Maggiore Zipline.
Visit the WHERE WE ARE section to find the directions from wherever you are.
How long before the booked time should I arrive, and where?
You should arrive half an hour before the time of your booking. Come to the ticket office, which is located in Aurano, Alpe Segletta (for details, visit the WHERE WE ARE section). During the time slot you booked, a shuttle bus will take you to the starting point. The shuttle takes about 20 minutes (if you booked at 11 am, the shuttle will leave between 11 and 12).
After the ride, how do I get back to my car?
The car park where you will leave your car is situated where the ZIPline arrives in Aurano, Località Alpe Segletta. Our shuttles will take you to the starting point of the ZIPline. From there, you’ll ride the line and arrive at the point where you left your car.
How long does it take to get up to the departure point and ride the line?
Da quando si parte con la navetta bisogna calcolare circa 40 minuti. 20 minuti di trasferimento con la navetta e circa 20 minuti per indossare l’imbracatura, piccolo briefing e discesa in volo. La navetta partirà nell’arco della fascia oraria in cui avete effettuato la prenotazione (se hai prenotato alle 11 la tua navetta partirà tra le 11 e le 12).
How long does the ride last?
The ride takes about a minute and a half.
Is the Lake Maggiore ZIPline accessible by camper van?
Yes, the roads have no particular limitations for small to medium-sized motorhomes. You’ll need to take the SP 55 Intra-Premeno and then continue towards our site.
Is the Lake Maggiore ZIPline accessible by public transport?
Visit the WHERE WE ARE section for full information.
What can I do there if I'm not riding the ZIPline?
If you won’t be riding the ZIPline, you can wait for friends and family in the La Batùa Bar Restaurant or in the parks around The Nest, where kids can play in the Troll Bridge area.

Who Can Fly


Tickets and Bookings

Give the gift of flight


Things to know about the Zipline
What happens in case of bad weather?
If the weather forecast is predicting persistent rainfall for the next day, the ZIPline runs will be suspended. If this happens, everyone who has purchased tickets online will be notified by text and email via the contact details provided when booking. The email will contain full details of how to use your tickets on another date, depending on your availability and our calendar.
What happens in case of uncertain weather?
If the weather forecast is for intermittent rain or variable weather, the ZIPline will remain open. Some rides may be suspended during periods of rain but will then restart.
Is it possible to ride the line if it's raining?
Yes, the rain does not affect the safety of the system in any way. ZIPline activities will be suspended in the case of storms or heavy rainfall.

Who Can Fly


Bad weather

Give the gift of flight


Things to know about the Zipline
How much does it cost to ride the ZIPline?
See the INFO AND PRICES page on our website.
Do I need to book in advance?
If you do arrive at the ticket office without a ticket, you can buy one there and then, but there’s no guarantee as to wait times, which depend on the number of bookings and how busy we are that day.
How can I find out the opening dates of the ZIPline and the availability of places?
Availability is always updated in real time. When buying your tickets online, the number of remaining places will be shown when you click on the time slot. The number of places available refers to the number of people who can still buy tickets in that time slot.
Where can I buy tickets? Can I buy them at the ZIPline?
Can the tickets only be used by the person named on them?
No. The name and surname on the tickets are the details of the person who made the purchase. Anyone in possession of the tickets can use them. The visitors who actually ride the ZIPline will be asked to complete a waiver form at the ticket office.
After I buy tickets online, how are they delivered to me?
As soon as you have finished purchasing your tickets online, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to download your tickets. You must download the PDF containing the tickets, in digital or print form, and present it at the ticket office.
Do I have to print out the tickets purchased online?
No, you can present the tickets at the ticket office in digital format.

Who Can Fly


Bad weather

Tickets and Bookings


Things to know about the Zipline
I want to gift someone a ticket. Can I buy one without choosing the date and time?
On our website, you’ll find the section “GIVE THE GIFT OF FLIGHT”: if you buy a ticket from this section, you’ll receive an open-dated ticket that remains valid for 365 days from the date of issue. The recipient will need to book the date and time online by selecting an available slot from our calendar.
I've received a "GIVE THE GIFT OF FLIGHT" ticket. How long is it valid for?
A gift ticket is valid for 365 days from the date of issue. You must use your ride within this period.
I've received a "GIVE THE GIFT OF FLIGHT" ticket, how can I book?
I received only one ticket as a gift and I'd like to ride with another person. What should I do?
I've purchased a "GIVE THE GIFT OF FLIGHT" ticket, but it shows my name, not the name of the rider. Is that a problem?
I've purchased a “GIVE THE GIFT OF FLIGHT” ticket and the purchase price appears on the ticket. Can I cross it out?
The price shown on the ticket is not required and can be crossed out. Don’t cross out or modify the barcode, QR code or ACCESS CODE.

Who Can Fly


Bad weather

Tickets and Bookings

Give the gift of flight

Things to know about the Zipline
At the ticket office, you can rent GoPro cameras: you don’t need to book this online or in advance. You can use your own device, as long as it’s suitable for the activity you’re taking part in. Helmet cameras are not permitted. The cost of the rental is €15 and includes a microSD of the photos and videos, which will be given to you at the end of the ride experience.
A photo is taken automatically on departure and arrival. At the end of the ride, you can view the photos at the ticket office and buy them at the price of €7 each or €10 for two. On the printed version, you will find a code to download the photo(s) in digital format online. Before you ride, check with the ticket office that the system is operating.

Who Can Fly


Bad weather

Tickets and Bookings

Give the gift of flight

Do we have to wear or bring anything special?
We recommend comfortable clothing, suitable for the season and altitude (the ZIPline is located at 1,000 – 1,300 m above sea level). Footwear should cover the whole foot. Avoid flip-flops or open-toed slip-ons. During the winter period, gloves should be worn.
Where do I leave my belongings?
You must leave all personal belongings in your car. You can bring a small backpack or bumbag with you.
Can I take a backpack with me on the ZIPline?
You can only take a small backpack or bumbag on the ZIPline. Larger bags must be left in your car. There is no bag storage facility on site.
Can I wear glasses or sunglasses while riding the ZIPline?
Yes, you can. You might want to bring a glasses cord. Along with a harness and helmet, transparent windproof goggles are available on request to protect you during the descent.
How many people can ride at the same time?
You can choose to ride solo or in a pair, in line with the weight and height limits.
Can three people ride together?
No, you can ride solo or in a pair.
Do I ride with an instructor?
No, there is no instructor.
Many people who suffer from vertigo want to take the flight to test themselves and generally complete the experience. Some people think that they may have a feeling of “emptiness” at the start; this does not occur because acceleration occurs gradually.
Is it safe to ride the Lake Maggiore ZIPline?
Yes, it’s very safe. No special experience or skills are required – anyone can ride the ZIPline. All our operators take a specific training course. The ZIPline system and all the equipment undergo daily, weekly, monthly and annual checks to ensure maximum safety for all our visitors.